International Research/Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems (IRTC for IT&S) declare the Eleventh in series of All-Ukrainian International conferences focussing on the theory and applications of Signal/Image Processing and Pattern Recognition, Ukrainian Association on Information Processing and Pattern Recognition (UAsIPPR),
The conference will be held on October 15 till 19, 2012 at the Cybernetic Centre, Prospekt Akademika Hlushkova 40, Kyiv, Ukraine
- Problems of Pattern Computer Development;
- Methodological Problems of Pattern Recognition and Pattern Reasoning;
- Theoretical Basis of Signal and Image Processing and Recognition;
- Training and Selftraining Problems in Pattern Recognition;
- Automatic Recognition, Understanding and Synthesis of Speech Signals;
- Natural Language and Speech Resources and Technologies;
- Technical Diagnostics of Objects and Machines on its Signals and Fields;
- Printed and Hand-Written Texts, Drawing and Graphic Picture Processing and Recognition;
- Photopictures Processing and Recognition;
- Scene Processing, Recognition and Understanding;
- Simulating and Research Systems;
- Processors Architecture for Signal/Image Processing and Recognition;
- Signal/Image Input/Output Tools and Multimedia Systems;
- Signal/Image Filtering, Compression, Reconstruction and Synthesis;
- Audiovisual Data and Knowledge Bases: Retrievial and Summarisation;
- Multimodal Means for Man-Machine Communication;
- Advanced Information Technologies and Systems Based on Signal/Image Processing.
Vintsiuk Taras (Co-Chairman) (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Antoshchuk Svitlana (Odesa, Ukraine)
Baidyk Tetyana (Mexico City, Mexico)
Bazylevych Roman (L'viv, Ukraine)
Biatov Kostiantyn (Sankt Augustin, Germany)
Bondarenko Mykhajlo (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Dragan Jaroslav (L'viv, Ukraine)
Fedoryn Jaroslav (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Gimelfarb Georgij (Auckland, New Zealand)
Hrytsenko Volodymyr (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Hrytsyk Volodymyr (L'viv, Ukraine)
Javors'kyj Ihor (L'viv, Ukraine)
Karpov Oleh (Dnipropetrovs'k, Ukraine)
Kharlamov Alexander (Moskow, Russia)
Korchyns'kyj Volodymyr (Dnipropetrovs'k, Ukraine)
Kozhemjako Volodymyr (Vinnytsia, Ukraine)
Krak Jurij (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Kuc Roman (New Haven, USA)
Kulias Anatolij (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Lobanov Boris (Minsk, Bielarus')
Matsello Vjacheslav (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Omel'chenko Viktor (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Rashkevych Jurij (L'viv, Ukraine)
Ronzhin Andrey (St. Petersburg, Russia)
Sazhok Mykola (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Schlesinger Michail (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Shabanov-Kushnarenko Jurij (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Shevchenko Anatolij (Donets'k, Ukraine)
Shyrokov Volodymyr (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Sirodzha Ihor (Kharkiv, Ukraine)
Stepashko Volodymyr (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Tretiak Oleh (Philadelphia, USA)
Vorobel' Roman (L'viv, Ukraine)
Organising Committee
Hrytsenko Volodymyr (Co-Chairman) (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Vintsiuk Taras (Co-Chairman) (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Fedoryn Dmytro (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Kulias Anatolij (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Matsello Vjacheslav (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Sazhok Mykola (Kyiv, Ukra)
Pylypenko Valeriy (Kyiv, Ukra)
Robeiko Valentyna (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Vasylieva Nina (Kyiv, Ukraine)
Submission of Papers
Prospective authors are invited to submit full and final papers of not more than four pages. Papers will be accepted only by electronic submission through the Submission Form Page. Before submitting please read carefully Paper submission instruction. Prospective authors without web access should contact the Technical Program Chair well before the submission deadline.
After submission, each paper will be given a unique Paper ID. This will be shown on the confirmation page right after submission of the documents. A confirmation email including the Paper ID will be sent to presenting and corresponding author(s) of the paper as well.
It will be possible to check and correct (if necessary) the submitted paper information (names, affiliations, etc.) at the Paper Status page (using the Paper ID and Email Address as 'login' and 'password'). Also an updated paper file can be uploaded (if errors were found or new results became available, etc). Corrections/uploads can be made until August 15, 2012.
Deadline for submission of the materials is July 31, 2012.
To prepare your camera-ready copy follow instruction for the authors.
The notifications of acceptance or rejection will be mailed out until 31th of August 2012 for local authors and till 3 June for foreign authors. Accepted papers will be published and the Proceedings will be distributed at the Conference.
Registration fee is 15 EURO for each participant from Ukraine. Registration fee should be sent before the 15th of September to Payment Account of UAsIPPR No 260051991 in AT "Rodovid Bank", MFO 321712, bank ID 143494426659. The Association's ID is 19351446. Bank address is: 17 Petra Sahajdachnoho street, Kyiv 04070 Ukraine. In the money transfer order should be pointed "Registration fee for participating in the conference UKROBRAZ-2012" and surname and initials of the participant as well.
Registration fee for participant from the countries of the New Independent States (NIS), Eastern and Central Europe is 20 EURO, and $50 for participant from the other countries. Foreign participants should pay the fee on site.
UAsIPPR and IAPPR individual members will have 20% reduction on the registration fee.
The fee includes organising cost, conference proceedings, coffe breaks and social events.
Mykola Sazhok
Speech Science and Technology Department
International Research/Training Centre for Information Technologies and Systems
Mail: NAS Cybernetics Centre
40 Prospekt Akademika Hlushkova
Kyiv 03680
UkraineTel./Fax: +380 44 502-6333 E-mail:, Homepage:
A nearby hotel
The organizers will provide transportation from airport or railway station to the hotel and from the hotel to the conference place for the foreign participants.
Last Updated: September 23, 2012