Prospective authors are invited to submit finalized full-size (max. 4 pages) papers along with other required and optional documents to the UkrObraz’2012. All documents must be submitted electronically. The submission process is to be carried out fully electronically.
This page provides information for preparing the documents related to your paper submission and for uploading them to the conference.
Please note that your document submission includes:
- Information about author(s)
- Your full and final paper in postscript format
- An English abstract
- An optional link to a page where additional information can be found.
Information about author(s) Top
Among standard details about the co-authors (names, affiliation etc.), please specify which author is presenting and which one is corresponding. Only one author must be presenting and only one author must be corresponding. Meanwile, these might be same author. Presenting author is implied to present the paper on the conference. Further email confirmation will be sent to both presenting and corresponding authors.
Full-size paper Top
Authors are requested to prepare their full-size finalized paper as a PostScript file according to the Paper Preparation Guidelines (Authors Kit). Here you'll also find templates for Microsoft Word.
English Abstract (mandatory) Top
Authors are requested to prepare an English abstract of their paper according to these guidelines:
The English abstracts of UkrObraz'2012 will be published in CD-ROM, and in Technical Program available on web.
Please prepare the English abstract according to the following instructions:
- The abstract must be in English.
- The maximum length of the abstract is 150 words and it must be text only using the basic ASCII character set. No figures, no formulas, no special character sets, etc. must be used in this abstract.
- The abstract should be similar to that used in your full paper, but it does not have to be identical.
- Do NOT add author names or affiliations to the abstract text (this will be added automatically). Include only the abstract text.
- After submission of your documents, it is possible to check (and correct if necessary) the text of the English abstract and to correct it through "Abstract Status" page.
Link to Additional Information (optional) Top
Authors are encouraged to provide a single hyperlink to additional web material supporting the paper. This single link will be available on the CD-ROM Proceedings of the conference. Examples of such material are:
- Author home page.
- An extended version of the paper.
- Related sound examples.
- Video clips or other audio-visual demonstrations.
- A page of links to various further pages.
Note that the responsibility with providing additional information and keeping it available is solely with the authors. The Conference Committee and UAsIPPR/UAsOIRO are not responsible for the content of additional information.
Presentation Type
At the time of submission, authors should indicate a preference for presentation mode (oral or poster). However, it may not always be possible to honor the request.