REGISTERED ADOPTED by Ministry of Justice by Establishing Meeting on of Ukraine Institution of the Ukrainian March 2, 1993 Association on Information Processing and Pattern Certificate No 417 Recognition November 19, 1992 Head of the Citizen President of the National Amalgamation Board Committee of the Ukrainian Association on Information N.P.Lukashova Processing and Pattern Recognition Signature Stamp Signature T.K.Vintsiuk C O N S T I T U T I O N of the Ukrainian Association on Information Processing and Pattern Recognition Kyjiv - 1993 ______________________________________________________________ 1. Common regulations 1.1. The Ukrainian Association on Information Processing and Pattern Recognition (below is the Association) is a voluntary public creative scientific organization which unites labor collectives of institutions, organizations and citizen of Ukraine on a voluntary basis and a community of interests to achieve the goal and tasks provided by this Constitution. For participation in the labor of the Association the members are united on a voluntary basis, common creative, pro- fessional and business interests, mutual respects and collabo- ration. 1.2. The Association is established and carry out its activities in accordance with the Constitution of Ukraine, legislation in force, and the present Constitution. 1.3. The Association acquires the right of juridical person since the registration of this Constitution and can on own behalf conclude treaties, contracts, gain property and personal non-property rights and duties, be plaintiff and defendant in a court and arbitration tribunal, and carry out other activities according to its goal and tasks. The Association has the independent balance, accounts in the banks, the seal of the prescribed pattern (in Ukrainian and English languages), the stamp and forms with its name, the symbols which are approved by the National Committee of the Association and registered in accordance with established pro- cedure. 1.4. The Association is responsible for its commitments within the limits of its own property. The State is not res- ponsible for the Association's commitments as well as the As- sociation, its branches, centers, representatives are not res- ponsible for the State's commitments. 1.5. The Association can use as the officially approved name the abbreviation "UAsIPPR". 1.6. The whereabouts of the Association is Ukraine, Kyjiv. 1.7. The official language of the Association is the Ukrainian one. 2. The aim, targets, and functions of the Association 2.1. The principal aim of the Association is to unite efforts of its members in furthering the development of the basic principles in information processing and pattern recog- nition and contributing to the most progressive directions of creating information processing systems, in particular, sig- nal/image processing and pattern recognition systems. 2.2. The main targets of the Association are as follows: - to heighten place and importance of the Ukrainian science in the common to all mankind depository of human progress; - all-round assistance to improving theoretical and ap- plied investigations in information processing, in particular, signal/image processing and pattern recognition, and develo- ping various automatic and man-machine systems; - international scientific co-operation, contacts, and common scientific works; - furthering the development of new forms in organizing and working out the scientific elaborations on algorithms, hardware, and software for automatic and automated information processing and pattern recognition systems; - popularization of modern methods to automate scientific investigations including new information technologies and fur- thering the information of research activities; - organization of international co-operation and inter- change (in accordance with legal order) of scientific and technical information in the above-mentioned directions, par- ticipance in establishing and carrying out the corresponding national and international projects and programs, in running scientific and technical information networks; - protecting the intellectual property, copyright and social rights of the Association's members. 2.3. For achieving its aims and gaining the main targets the Association (in accordance with the established procedure): - furthers the development of new, non-traditional forms of the scientific and business co-operation including the multilateral ones, the ones based on cross-representations its members interests, the ones based on direct links between the institutions, organizations, enterprises concerned, etc; - creates the necessary for the successful co-operation open for general use scientific, reference and other data banks; - studies, develops, furthers to introduce new flexible forms and methods of personnel training and organizes their training by using modern computer culture; - studies the markets for scientific production, soft- ware, the corresponding legislation and customs of various countries, their management and organizational experience; - exercises the publishing activities (in accordance with the legislation in force); - organizes the meetings, conferences, seminars, congres- ses, scientific schools, children's and youthful forums, exhi- bitions, interchange with the delegations and specialists; - stimulates and renders financial and technical assis- tance in carrying out the mutual projects, researches, and development; - organizes and makes public scientific examinations and competitions of scientific and technical projects which are given by State bodies and other organizations or private persons. 2.4. When gaining its targets the Association realizes co-operation and establishes contacts with international orga- nizations, State bodies, unions, institutions, enterprises, organizations independently of the form of property as well as with individuals from different countries whose activities are concerned with or furthered the development of co-operation and who recognizes the aim, targets, and functions of the As- sociation. The nature and forms of these relations are deter- mined by the Association. 3. Members of the Association, their rights and commitments 3.1. The membership in the Association can be collective and individual. 3.2. Associations of scientists and specialists, laboring collectives of institutions, organizations, enterprises, unions independently of the form of property can be the col- lective members of the Association. 3.3. Citizens of Ukraine, foreign citizens, and persons without the citizenship can be the individual members of the Association. 3.4. The enrollment to the membership in the Association is realized by its authorities - the Conference or the Natio- nal Committee: - the collective members are enrolled on the basis of declarations and resolutions of the collectives meetings or corresponding governing bodies of the civil organizations; - the individual members are enrolled on the basis of the written declarations. 3.5. The members of the Association have the rights: - to participate freely in any kinds of its activities; - to receive publications and other materials printed by the Association; - to obtain (in accordance with the prescribed procedure) financial, tutorial, mediator, scientific and other assistance according to the aim and targets of the Association; - to establish and promote bilateral and multilateral relations via the Association; - to submit proposals concerning the directions of the Association's activities; - to draw the specialists concerning in the Association's activities; - to take part in governing the Association and in the activities of its authorities and executive bodies; - to use (in accordance with the prescribed procedure) the property of the Association. 3.6. The members of the Association are: - to follow the regulations of this Constitution; - to take part in the activities of the Association; - to pay membership dues in proper time. 3.7. The membership in the Association is stopped: - on the basis of the submitted declaration and resolu- tion of the National Committee; - on the basis of the resolution of the National Committee in case of flagrant violation of the Constitution by the member of the Association. 4. Structure of the Association, its authorities and control bodies 4.1. The Association carries out the activities by a territorial-and-professional principle. Branches are created in the regions of the State to ensure these activities. The branches act on the basis of this Constitution or Regulations about them which are approved by the National Committee of the Association. To get the right of juridical person the branches are registered in the order established by the law. 4.2. The authorities and control bodies of the Associa- tion are the following ones: - the Conference; - the National Committee; - The Control and Inspection Committee. 4.3. The Conference which is convoked once a year is the highest authority of the Association. 4.4. Representation quotas and procedure of delegates election to the Conference are determined by the National Committee. 4.5. The Conference: - accepts the Constitution of the Association and introduces alternations and additions to it; - admits new members to the Association; - determines principal directions of Association's acti- vities, research and other projects, programs and developments of the Association in accordance with its aim and targets; - determines rates of special funds of the Association, procedures of their forming and use, fixes Association's rewards; - determines rates, procedures and terms of paying ent- rance fees and annual dues; - approves the budget of the Association; - approves Association's structure, Regulations of acti- vities of the National Committee, Control and Inspection Com- mittee, determines total number of members of the Associa- tion's staff, fund of salary, approves resolutions about crea- ting and closing the branches, centers, and representations, creating unions, enterprises, and organizations of the Association; - elects members of the National Committee, the President and Scientific Secretary-in-Chief of the National Committee, and the Chief of the Control and Inspection Committee for a term of three years; - examines and approves reports about the activities of the National Committee, branches, centers, representations, and other organizations and unions established by the Associa- tion, hears and approves accounts of the Control and Inspec- tion Committee about the result of annual and special inspections; - decides to establish and maintain the relations with international organizations, corresponding agreements, contracts; - approves resolutions about financial of projects, prog- rams, and elaborations, conducting congresses, conferences, and symposia, arranging actions and measures for collecting means; - decides to stop activities of the Association. 4.6. The Conference can resign its commission on solving certain problems within its competence to the National Committee of the Association. 4.7. The resolutions of the Conference are taken by simple majority. The resolutions of the Conference concerning the alternations of the Constitution of the Association and approvement of the budget are taken by two-thirds majority of the members being present at the Conference meeting. 4.8. The resolution of the Conference are considered as approved if there were not less than two thirds of the delegates at the meeting and comes into effect from the day of signing the report of the meeting if no other procedure is provided in this resolution or follows from its nature. 4.9. In a period between the Conferences the Associa- tion's activities are governed by the National Committee of the Association which is elected by the Conference for a term of three years. 4.10. The National Committee: - forms the scientific policy, develops and co-ordinates principal directions of research and design activities, pro- jects and programs of the Association in accordance with its aim and targets, draw conclusions and recommendations on other problems of the Association's activities within the bounds of competence determined by corresponding Regulations of the Na- tional Committee; - determines structure, purpose, source of formation and procedure of special scientific funds of the Association; - hears and approves reports of scientific leaders of the projects and programs of the Association; - organizes realization of the plans, projects, programs, and individual measures of the Association under mutual rela- tions with other organizations, institutions, and enterprises; - decides about creating and closing the branches, cen- ters, and representations; - decides about creating enterprises and organizations in accordance with the aim and targets of the Association; - organizes publishing and disseminating scientific works, informational, publicity and other Association materials; - organizes preparation of the necessary materials and reports for the Conference meeting; - admits new members. 4.11. The President: - is at the head of the National Committee; - governs scientific and applied activities of the Association; - signs treaties, agreements, and contracts on Associa- tion behalf and ensures their fulfillment. 4.12. The Scientific Secretary-in-Chief: - plans the activities of the National Committee; - establishes links with Heads of sections and commis- sions of the National Committee; - takes the control of fulfillment of the scientific pro- jects and programs of the Association; - organizes preparation of the necessary materials for the meeting of the National Committee. The Secretary-in-Chief has the rights of the Deputy President of the National Committee. 4.13. To control the observance of the Constitution and financial and economic activities of the Association the Conference elects for a term of three years the Control and Inspection Committee of the Head and two members. The Control and Inspection Committee is responsible for its activities to the Conference and submits it the annual accounts. 4.14. The President of the National Committee gives at the disposal of the Control and Inspection Committee the materials documents which are necessary to carry out inspections and audits and offers all the facilities for them. The procedure of the activities of the Control and Ins- pection committee and of adopting its resolutions is deter- mined by the Regulations of the Control and Inspection Commit- tee which are approved by the Conference of the Association. 4.15. The highest authority for the regional branch of the Association is the Meeting which is organized in case of need but not more seldom than once a year. The Meeting elects the Council of the Branch as well as the Head of the Council. In a period between the Meetings the Council governs the acti- vities of the branch. 5. Property and means of the Association 5.1. The Association has the private property, fixed and circulating funds and means which are created on account of the following sources: - the entrance fees and annual dues of the members; - single receipts, dues, testaments, donations, and other gifts in money or property form from physical persons, insti- tutions, and organizations; - receipts from economic activities of the enterprises, institutions, organizations created by the Association; - other receipts stipulated by the acting legislation. 5.2. The members of the Association have no rights on the property of the Association. 5.3. For providing the activities of the Association there are created the funds which structures and volume are approved by the Conference. 5.4. The means are used to reach the targets of the Constitution. 5.5. The Association is the non-commercial organization, has no goals in its activities to get profits for distributing among the members, and uses the means for all-round develop- ment of the science, education, social protection of scien- tists, development of novel information technologies and in- ternational co-operation. 5.6. The Association has the rights on the property transferred to the possession of it by the founders, members, or State, obtained from the entrance fees and annual dues, donated by the citizen, enterprises, institutions, and organizations, and also on the property purchased as a result of economic and other commercial activities of the enterprises and self-supported institutions and organizations established by the Association. 5.7. The Association and institutions and organizations established by it are to carry out operative and account book- keeping, statistical reports, register in the state fiscal inspection, and pay in the budget the payments according to the procedure and having the volumes prescribed by the legislation. 6. Stopping the Association's activities 6.1. The Association is liquidated by the resolution of the Conference. 6.2. The resolution about liquidating the Association is adopted by two thirds of the members attended the Conference. 6.3. The Association can be liquidated also in other cases in accordance with the acting legislation of Ukraine. 6.4. Reorganization of the Association is carried out by the resolution of the Conference. 6.5. Means and other property of the Association after its liquidation cannot be redistributed between the members and are used to reach the targets of the Constitution or charitable purposes. Translated from Ukrainian by the UAsIPPR members Dr. of Eng. Sc. G. Gimel'farb and Cand. of Eng. Sc. V. Krakovsky